Professional set project 3

The brief for this project outlines that we must produce an image or images for a modern visual communication agency, who support a wide range of clientele. With a habit of overthinking my briefs, I will look to follow this one more closely, taking note of it mentioning that sometimes a simple idea well executed can be the best.


My initial research sends me towards photographic agencies to see what type of images they use on their websites. Being a keen sports photographer the SNS group were always my first stop. The main images on their website come from commissioned works they have undertaken, looking to showcase the wider scope of the company, I will need to look further for inspiration.

Visual Assets website was my next stop, the contemporary website is filled with corporate images featuring the team at work as well as a host of images from commissioned works. Lacking the bright office location offered by the Visual assets team I find it hard to take inspiration from some of the images. however, the style and way the images have been captured have given so room for thought.

The first image caught my eye with its bright and simple makeup, the negative space offers room for text and supplementary information should it be needed, the image being drawn can be manipulated and changed to offer multiple uses.  Image two provides a visual of the working processes that happen behind the scenes, the long exposures sutle capture of movement adds in interesting attention-grabbing aesthetic.

googling visual communications throws up a jumble of vectors, poster, and graphics all relating to the subject but provides nothing but further confusion. However, some stock images provided so further inspiration for me to take forward into my 1

A simple image that provides an instant visual for design/web and photography work, looking like a home office it could be made to look more like a contemporary office environment to suit my brief.

Another aspect of communication I had heavily considered was the old soup tin and string option. Allowing for easy adaption for multiple uses, this type of minimalistic image would fit the market. the feeling of being just too simple means I didn’t move forward with this idea, I hope I don’t regret it as I feel this idea could have potential.


susie project a4

For my image, I looked for a clean image that carried a connection to the modern world, I also looked to use clean lines across the image. Having the advertising image open and being worked on provides a connection to the work carried out by the agency. The spacing between the Macbook, graphics tablet and iPhone provide separation between my props providing an easy flow for the eye around the composition. With the main focal areas filling the fore/ middle-ground, I’ve left the background area empty on purpose. This negative space can accommodate text/ and or logos, the background can also easily be cut out and its colouring changed in photoshop to allow it to fit better across different environments.

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